
Rabu, 20 Februari 2013

118 Kim Heechul Fact

Kim Hee Chul Fact

[❤] Hee Chul's favourite type of music is sad songs - he even dances to them !
[❤] Hee Chul's favorite food is Kimchi Bbokeumbbop (kimchi fried rice).
[❤] He really doesn't like the fact that he is growing up.
[❤] One of his most special talents is how quick witted he is.
[❤] Hee Chul's answer when asked about his religion is, "Against even Si Won's preachings, I have no interest."
[❤] When he was a kid, he was so smart that he was top of his class !
[❤] If he was going to be born again, he would want to be a flower blooming at the top of a very high cliff, so that nothing could touch him.
[❤] He finds rainy days irritating.
[❤] He believes that nobody should smoke:).
[❤] He is an incredibly deep and sensitive person.
[❤] Even though little kids scare him and make him panic, he would really love two of his own.
[❤] Whenever he gets mad, he throws things.
[❤] His cellphone bill is sent to his parents.
[❤] His motto is "I'm me, you are you."
[❤] He averages about four hours of sleep per day.
[❤] His favorite types of movies are horror, thriller and comedy.
[❤] He calls his fans Petals.
[❤] "Confidence and my beloved friends" are the most important to him.
[❤] When asked how many most valuable friends he has, he answers "The important thing is not 'how many,' but rather 'how deep.'"
[❤] When Yunho/U-Know (of DBSK) was poisoned by a female anti-fan, Hee Chul criticized her on his website and told the anti-fans to come after him instead.
[❤] He plays the drums, piano, guitar, harmonica and the violin.
[❤] He has to listen to at least four songs every night, before he can finally fall asleep.
[❤] He wants an interracial marriage.
[❤] Only Dong Hae and Yunho are allowed to be informal with him.
[❤] He even admits that he has a very proud personality, but he also admits that it's his weakest point.
[❤] Dong Hae was the one who influenced him to get a Twitter, and now he's one of the top trenders on said site.
[❤] Because he's afraid that the camera would catch it, he never blinks - even when thinking of an answer !
[❤] He was only twenty-years-old when he auditioned for S.M.Entertainment.
[❤] He speakes to children in a very formal way.
[❤] Because he got really annoyed by people borrowing his clothes, he changed his entire wardrobe to cowboy hats and cartoon shirts.
[❤] He can't dance, and is often in the middle or back of all the other guys when they dance.
[❤] Instead of going out and drinking, he would much rather just stay at home.
[❤] He really hates needles and going/staying in hospitals.
[❤] He loves imitating people and is very good at it.
[❤] Because he finds Dong Hae really cute, he tends to follow him around.
[❤] He really doesn't like it when people copy how he dresses, so he tends to dress very..unique.
[❤] His most favorite color, is red.
[❤] He was late to his audition for S.M.E, but he was allowed to audition anyway because of his good looks.
[❤] He doesn't really bother with telling people what to do.
[❤] He loves sparring with Heebummie (one of his cats), even though it's only one sided.
[❤] He never used to have a favorite musician because he didn't know who he liked or didn't like.
[❤] He uses terms like 'folks' and 'alas' often.
[❤] Even though he has an ideal type, he thinks it's foolish to look for her.
[❤] His most valuable treasure is, as expected, himself.
[❤] Believe it or not, he used to prefer his hair to be really short.
Now he likes it longer.
[❤] The very first time he ever drank alcohol was in junior high school, it's because his father gave it to him.
[❤] He spends most of his time online
[❤] He tends to get 'absentmindedly lost in thought.'
[❤] He used to compare himself to a thorn bush.
It's because if you 'touched' him, you'd get 'wounded'/hurt.
[❤] He never was able to tell the difference in alcohol.
[❤] He tends to move a lot and can't really stay calm.
[❤] After his first kiss (which he received while watching "The Lion King"), him and his girlfriend broke up.
The relationship only lasted two weeks
[❤] He deletes the numbers of those who don't reply back to him fast enough.
[❤] Once Yunho, Yunho's girlfriend and Hee Chul all went to a jewelry store, but the salesclerk thought Hee Chul and Yunho were the couple and offered them couple rings.
[❤] He really can't eat hot (as in, the temperature) foods, he even has to wait for his rice to cool down.
This is because he has lung problems.
[❤] He seriously dislikes being compared to others.
[❤] For a semester of school, he was one of his class representatives.
[❤] He hates it when people steal his food.
[❤] He reads HanChul (Han GengxHee Chul) fanficts.
[❤] Time and punctuality are very important to him and he never ever waits longer than ten minutes for anybody.
[❤] He really wants a little boy and girl.
He also wants to name the girl Cherry (Kim Cherry).
[❤] He tends to get annoyed at people very easily, especially if they don't listen to him.
[❤] He had his very first kiss when he was twenty.
(Although, considering he /always/ lies about his personal life (in order to not make fans jealous), well...).
[❤] He absolutely adores white chocolate.
[❤] He wants his future wife to wear skirts/have nice legs.
Be able to pull off a ponytail.
Be pretty.
Know how to cook well.
Give him massages.
Play video games.
Love horror movies,
and not go to clubs.
[❤] Miyavi has invited him to one of his concerts because he thought they looked alike and that it'd be funny.
[❤] He majored in both English and computers !
[❤] His mother owns a wine store.
[❤] Because his personality is quiet sensitive, he draws a line on the bed when he sleeps.
Anyone who crosses it will be kicked out.
[❤] Because he used to think people could be watching him, he only changed his clothes underneath the blanket.
[❤] He loves to (playfully) hit people.
[❤] Every time he holds a girl, he gets really nervous and feels like his heart is going to burst.
[❤] He says that he's good looking, smart and talented, but because nobody's perfect, he has a bad temper.
[❤] He can't stand when people touch his hair.
[❤] His favorite season is Autumn because it's not too hot and not too cold.
[❤] He prefers to be in his own little world most of the time.
[❤] He really doesn't like to be in crowded places and generally tries to avoid them.
[❤] He loves Chinese (Mandarin) oranges.
[❤] He plays video games in order to release stress.
[❤] He has an older sister (Kim Hee Jin).
[❤] He was born in Gangwon (the city), Hoengseong (town).
[❤] Before his debut, he was going to be a hand model.
[❤] He is completely in love with acting.
[❤] He loves trouble.
[❤] Hee Chul's parents dream has always been to see him on television - wish granted !
[❤] He can't handle complicated things.
[❤] He doesn't like getting presents, but prefers to give them.
[❤] He created his own religion called "Rellagyo."
[❤] He never really knows how to express how he feels, so he generally just doesn't.
[❤] He doesn't like the color of Sapphire Blue.
[❤] Along with finding him cute, he also finds Dong Hae a little scary.
[❤] He got an iPhone just to update his Twitter.
[❤] He believes that he was a doll in his past life.
[❤] He can't whistle.
[❤] He loves how good his Petals are at making graphics.
[❤] He loves pulling pranks on other people, even though you can't pull a prank on him because he's sharp about it.
[❤] He doesn't like to go out when it's raining because he feels like it'll pierce holes in his body.
[❤] Hee Chul says that when he gets up (after he's married), he'll kiss her on the cheeks, then pretend to be asleep.
Then when his wife gets up, she'll kiss him back, and while he's pretending to be asleep, he'll say "Hmm, what is it?" in a sleepy voice.
[❤] Hee Chul says that the second he finds his lover, he'll hug her ! (He believes in love at first sight).
[❤] He still believes in Santa.
[❤] He loves writing poems and fairytales, he also created two characters: Sellectice and Karrion.
Sellectice still appears in his autograph.
[❤] He tends to drool.
[❤] He loves X-Japan, Dir en Grey and Gackt.
He also once sang [hide]'s "Pink Spider." (Super Show 2).
[❤] He is someone who will always stand up for those who're close to him.
[❤] Hee Chul coughs out blood after every "Don't Don" performance.
[❤] He dislikes girls who show off their stomach.
[❤] He has been cheated on.
[❤] During his training days, he was a member of a group called 4 Seasons (with Kangin, Yunho and Jaejoong). Hee Chul was winter.
[❤] He has eye problems and had surgery in '07, after he fell asleep while still wearing his contacts.
[❤] Before '09, he had never thought of getting married, he also wanted/wants to have children before marriage.
[❤] He likes going to spa centers a lot because he loves massages.
[❤] He's childish, gets jealous very easily and changes his mood very fast.
One second he'll be all totally happy, and the next, in tears.
[❤] He likes to drink alone in his room while looking up at the moon.
It's because it helps him to think about deep things.
[❤] Even though he often jokes around when speaking English, he actually can speak it properly.
[❤] Most of his girlfriends have tried (and failed) to change him.
They all gave up after a few months.
[❤] According to Kyu, it's incredibly hard to get close to him.
[❤] He says that he's married to his Petals.
[❤] When he was still in school, Hee Chul didn't have any guy friends.
It's because he was too pretty.

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